Conversational AI in Education Industry

Conversational AI in education enables institutions to significantly cut care costs on students, provide rich chatbot-to-student communication and create a whole new digital experience for enrollments and admissions regardless of students location, time or device.

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Use Cases

  • Personalized Learning Experience
  • Student Enrollment
  • Students Support
  • Automated Administrative Works
  • Personalized Learning Experience

    of students are interested in personalized information on degree progress *

    Using conversational AI, educational institutions can provide an individual approach to their students by offering personalized experience based on their interests, level of knowledge and wishes.

    AI in education serves as a personal student assistant to personalize learning materials and optimize learning outcomes.

    *Source: Statista
  • Student Enrollment

    of customers prefer to use chatbots because of a quick answers to simple questions *

    Students and their parents often visit the website of the educational institution before enrolling in order to learn more about the institution. The main task of the university website in this process is to provide the correct information about the admission process, payment and accomodation at the right time. This will help you convert potential customers faster. Creating a bot with frequently asked questions is the best way to answer all the questions and doubts a potential student or his parents might have about your institute.

    *Source: Salesforce
  • Students Support

    of all interactions in the education sector can easily be automated using AI-powered chatbots *

    AI-powered chatbot is available 24/7,
    gives immediate responses to students outside of office working hours and has multilingual capabilities.

    AI in education can be trained to deal with a wide range of questions that students have – admission process, important details about the courses, modules, professors, project deadlines, event updates, etc.. It can serve as a one-stop-shop for all answers related to them.

    *Source: LivePerson
  • Automated Administrative Works
    by 70%

    Virtual customer assistants help organizations reduce call, chat and email inquiries by 70% *

    Education includes a variety of administrative tasks that can be automated using Conversational AI.

    Administrative tasks can sometimes be suppressing, time-consuming and requiring greater focus. AI for education can be used to minimize manual administrative tasks, from evaluating assignments to grading reports, so that professors can spend time with their students.

    *Source: Gartner

Featured chatbots

We create AI chatbot services across channels

  • Google RCS

    Already 500M+ installs

    Learn more
  • Apple Business Chat

    1.4B Apple devices

    Learn more
  • Messenger

    1.56B daily active users
    Easy to promote

  • SMS

    97% of smartphone owners use text messaging

  • WhatsApp

    1.5B people use WhatsApp every month

  • Google Assistant

    More than 1B devices worldwide

  • Alexa

    100M devices with Alexa on board

  • Web and mobile chat

    79% of consumers prefer Live Chat

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